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Hello and welcome to Design for Developers!

Throughout this course you will watch a series of videos about core design concepts. After watching the videos you should be applying these to a project. As we make our way through the videos your design should progress along with your understanding of design.

Pick a project, this can be anything from your personal site, to a side project, to something you're working on at your job. Clone the design for developers starter kit. Each weeks work can be found in the README in the repo.

Workshop – Design brief

Edit design-brief.markdown in this projects main folder. Make sure to stick to those guidelines as much as possible. You can also check out the sample brief that Kyle wrote to get a better idea of what to write.

When you are done push up to github and paste a link to it in the forums. Make sure to notify Kyle by including @kylefiedler in your message.

Take a look at the design fundamental resources before you start. There are a ton of helpful websites and books there to help reinforce some of these core design concepts.