In 2014 we wrote about how to get up and running with Middleman and Bourbon. This article revisits that technical stack for 2017.
Use Neat 2 to create dyamic nested layouts for your site or app.
If you like Sass, Neat 2.0 brings some awesome features that will make creating semantic websites and apps faster and easier. – A lightweight and flexible Sass grid from the folks at thoughtbot.
Understanding different types of existing float grid systems, finding their strengths/weaknesses, and discovering something better.
It’s hard to figure out where to start with modern Sass. Our new course walks you through our process step-by-step.
Jazz up your rig with stickers from Bourbon, Neat, Bitters, and Refills.
Rep your favorite Sass mixin library with pride.
How to animate and manipulate SVGs.
How to set up and style a Middleman static site with the Bourbon Sass suite.
How set up a project with the CSS suite Sass, Bourbon, and Neat
using the build toolchain Yeoman, Grunt, and Bower.